I found this site by looking for a how to make whipped soap. I was looking for ideas for a mans soap. We all know men use it but they don't buy it. Not Usually but their ladies love to buy things for them. I know I love to create things my sweat heart can use and is good for him. He loves to try some of the things I make. He is my Ginny Pig and a good sport as well.
Back to my point I did find a few ideas for making whipped soap so tomorrow I am going to try this out. Now I need to figure out what shape and size and scents I want to do these in. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Include colors and scents geared toward men as this is the line I would love to add to my bath line.
Here is one of my ideas, as this is a floating soap it would be great with oatmeal and scented like cedar, or maybe fir. Men don't like a cup cake looking soap and I already do a bubble bath in that shape so a great way to create something for men is to think what men like. Maybe a car or just a round ball. Thinking base ball, basket ball or maybe a foot ball shape. Color is easy but do men like to use brown soap? If you are a guy feel free to give me your opinion and any ideas.
Trying something new is so exciting and I almost can't wait to get started right now but it's a bit late and I need to have a much better plan than just whipping up a batch. I need a shape and scent ideas for sure. This is going to be fun and I will be sure to post a tutorial when I start my second batch. First one will be a trial and could get messy..LOL trust me you would love to be a mouse in my shop when I start a new project.
Keep creating!!
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